Overall, I want to commend Andy for a wonderful session. He managed to strike a good balance between hilariously personable and serious, all while providing useful information and having us directly practice some of the concepts through engaging activities (AND giving space to not participate for those who hate activities and/or may be triggered by ones specific around consent). I’m a pretty harsh critic when it comes to judging presentations, and I had a lovely time.
While I don’t think everyone left the session with the same delicious taste in their mouth (especially not the cisgender white man who probably felt attacked when he mentioned that a way for people, and particularly women, to stay safe was to do things like “not go into the dorm room of college guys if they’re drunk,” and there was a palpable sense of rage in the room), I’d venture to say 95% of folks felt good about the workshop. Curious to hear more? Check out the workshop description to start:
This workshop will take participants through an understanding of the current state of and conflicts around sexual consent in the law, within activist communities, and in their own practices. After last year’s workshop focused solely on personal practice, this workshop zooms out to take a wider view of what it means to commit to fighting rape culture on multiple fronts. Participants will have opportunities to learn and practice positive consent strategies in their interpersonal interactions, and takeaways enabling them to empower the members of their own activist subcommunities to speak up and connect against abuse and assault. The session’s goals are to allow participants to experience consensual empowerment in a safe environment and learn strategies for spreading that empowerment throughout their own work.
“This workshop is Consent and Sexy Monsters. Ask nicely before you suck somebody’s blood.” #sfs14 @AndyEyeballs silliness pre workshop!
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
…don’t ask too many questions. (But if you’re desperate for context, someone came into the room asking if it was the erotica writing one or something, and we all assumed it was a joke…and just kept going from there.)
The lovely @AndyEyeballs has begun his workshop about #consent. Sad I missed the personal level talk last year; I wasn’t at the con! #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Activist communities aren’t exempt from problematic power dynamics, abuse, assault, and lots of heavy stuff. #sfs14 – @AndyEyeballs
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Something that’s worth repeating over and over and over. For more reading about things like intimate partner violence in activist communities, check out The Revolution Starts At Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities.
Discussing the role of laws and consent when it comes to sex and sexually transmitted infections. Tricky subjects! #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Someone brought up HIV criminalization laws. Check out the Positive Justice Project’s fact-sheet on the issue (and more on criminal law here). For more information, POZ’s website has a great section on this too. I have mixed feelings on this because I’ve seen victims of domestic violence get infected and/or threatened with infection by HIV+ abusers and some criminalization laws have been helpful for them, but…overall I’m against criminalization of HIV and other STIs.
We MUST help dissolve the culture of silence in our activist and personal spaces around the topics of violence. #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Early strategies for community accountability in BDSM circles were to name violence and “boot abusers off the island.” #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
“Booting people off the island leaves us with an empty island” and that’s a good early strategy but not a long term constructive one #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
“It’s hard to reconcile someone being a valuable community member with them having caused harm to someone.” #sfs14 @andyeyeballs
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
“We need to break down the stark lines between ‘abuser’ and ‘victim’ so we can actually transform our community.” #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
There’s a concept in psychology called “splitting” where you need to idealize or demonize but can’t comprehend grey areas. #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
This is actually also relevant in working with victims and survivors of domestic violence. An advocate should never demonize an abuser. Particularly because so often it takes victims multiple attempts to leave abusive relationships, when and if a victim returns to their abuser, knowing that a friend or advocate hates the abuser can make them wary of seeking help. They may feel guilty for “messing up” or feel that everything in their relationship is fine now/again, and that their friend or advocate “wouldn’t understand, and that their [abuser] had turned over a new leaf.”
“Who’s in this room? What experiences have they had that I don’t know about? How can I be gentle to them?” – @AndyEyeballs #sfs14 #consent
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
A super intelligent way of reframing how we interact with people, both personally and professionally. I’m also very fond of this kind of outlook, because it focuses on maximizing kindness instead of minimizing harm, which some people (sadly) get antsy about and whine about “political correctness gone too far” or something silly like that.
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Basically, we were paired off with another person. We took turns asking each other if we could touch a particular body part, and the person being asked had to respond by saying “Yes and… [insert something else they would be allowing the asker to do]” or “No but… [insert something else that they would say yes to instead].” That way, each person would practice asking, responding, and having consent be a dialogue rather than a “gatekeeping” situation where one person is always asking the questions and the other is always responding. It’s also a good way to redirect questions or propositions that one isn’t ready for and spinning them more positively. Like “No, I don’t want you to touch me here, but it would be AWESOME if you touched me there.”
If you need to say no, sometimes it helps to embody a 2 year old child. @PassionbyKait asks “Can I stomp my feet too?” #sfs14 Yes!
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Ask 4 consent 2 do something w/ partner & they must respond “yes and…” Or “no and…” & switch it up #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
The exercise we did with @AndyEyeballs was done tween strangers and focusing on non sexual touch. FYI. #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
“We shouldn’t be using law as our standard 4 behavior. We should have higher standards. Let’s talk about not being a douchebag” #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Consent convos started as “no means no” and then “yes means yes” but @AndyEyeballs proposes “yes and means yes and” #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Comprehensive view of consent sees it as ongoing process 4 parties involved, & sees it as collaborative, not a gate keeping effort #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Rejecting rape culture and promoting consent starts with stuff like “may I hug you?” #sfs14 It’s not just in the realm of sex!
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
There have also been some good articles about consent in relation to how we teach kids about touch and bodily autonomy. Here’s a short one that’s more of a personal reflection, a video explaining it all more in depth, and a fabulous resource with age-appropriate ways of discussing and teaching consent to kids. Finally, I can’t NOT plug the consent video from the “Use Your Words!” series on sex-positive parenting we did through The CSPH.
“Meta communication is communicating about communicating. I am a deep nerd and I fucking love it.” #sfs14 – @AndyEyeballs
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Anyone who has ever partnered with me will attest to this: I am a meta-communicator through and through.
“Do you prefer that I ask before I touch you? Any triggers I should know about?” – talk re: how you do & don’t wanna talk! #consent #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Contrary 2 popular belief, @AndyEyeballs & others don’t advocate 4 everyone 2 be super verbal. Just be on same page re: communication #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
It’s just all about being on the same page and not just making assumptions!
I like now @AndyEyeballs is describing my (our?) tendency to think about possible futures as “running simulations” #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Practice pausing before u answer ppl, even if u know the answer. Often we give knee jerk responses that don’t honor actual desires #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
“What stands between you and saying yes or no to something?” For many women, it’s a fear of violence! #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
You need to proposition people in a way that makes them feel SAFE SAYING NO. Otherwise the question itself can be coercive #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
If you’re pouting, rolling your eyes, saying “pretty pleeeeeeeeeeease,” or any non-verbal cues that imply dissatisfaction and pressure, you’re not allowing that person to make a choice free from coercion!
“What makes it hard for you to say no?” Answers vary! #sfs14 How to not ask coercively varies too, but u gotta be aware of yr nonverbal cues
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
If you can be loud about being comfortable with rejection, that can help others be comfortable with saying no to you! #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
“It is ok to be rude in setting boundaries. It’s more important to keep yourself safe than to be polite.” #sfs14 TEACH EVERYONE THIS.
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
We have a social capital problem when talking about consent. “Who do we care more about keeping? Who do you like more?” #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Often, abusers, especially serial abusers, will target people that they feel are disposable or have lower social capital than they do #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
“Social capital is BULLSHIT. Having social capital does not mean someone cannot do fucked up shit.” – @AndyEyeballs #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
The word “drama” trivializes and minimizes the experiences of trauma. Don’t use that word 2 discuss someone’s discussion of assault #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
The history of our sexual laws about rape are based upon the premise that women are liars. Talk to @AndyEyeballs for more info. #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
The “resistance requirement” of resistance to the point of injury isn’t part of our legal system OVERTLY anymore #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Harm and malice are not the same. People can still be harmed by others unintentionally, but it doesn’t mean harm didn’t happen. #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Glad @AndyEyeballs is talking about restorative & transformative justice & community accountability while giving credit to POC #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Want to learn more about transformative justice and restorative justice and community accountability? Check out the resource on TJ/CA, Philly Stands Up!, the Project NIA transformative justice curriculum guide, a resource all on restorative justice, and for my fellow Massachusetts denizens—the MA Restorative Justice Collaborative. If you want to get super practical, too, you should take a peek at the Creative Interventions Toolkit to stop interpersonal violence.
The idea is that sexual violence harms and affects everyone in the community & all must heal. Also that everyone must work to fix it. #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
This isn’t about using prison or the state to hold ppl accountable & wreak more violence. Step 1: support,center, believe survivors #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
“What can we/do to make you feel safe [in the ways YOU need to feel safe, not the ways I/we think you should feel safe]?” #sfs14 #consent
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
The Ubuntu collective cites the number one factor in recovering from sexual violence = being believed by their community. #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Not sure…if I caught the name correctly here. Eep?
Be loud about yr support for survivors. It lets predators know their behavior isn’t welcome & lets survivors know they’ll be heard #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Be loud about red flags you see in members of your community. Don’t stay silent. Be noisy about feeling uncomfortable and unsafe. #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
We ned to make conversations about safety normal and common. We need to prioritize safety over smooth running and perfection. #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Hold people accountable. This can be the hardest part because it needs structure. Gotta differentiate bw predatory vs. bad behavior #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
We gotta separate the actions from the labels. It’s more important to talk about what people did vs. “Are they a good or bad person?” #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Accountability = 1. recognizing harm even if not intentional, 2. acknowledging impact of harm on person & community (1 of 2) #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
3. Make appropriate restitution, 4. develop skills to prevent further harm #sfs14 (2 of 2) #accountability
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
It’s hard 2 keep ppl around, but w/o addressing what they’ve done we are abandoning their future victims & making it not our problem #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
I recently read an article from a survivor on this very topic, titled “The Nomadic Rapist: A Critique of Not Being Friends with Rapists.” Worthwhile read if you’re trying to think through this. I still think there are times when expulsion is the only available choice given the situation’s constraints, but that yes, we should be moving towards accountability instead of total ostracizing and erasure.
In already marginalized communities, there is a shame and discomfort in excluding people or creating boundaries but it must happen #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
We gotta recognize humanity of ppl involved in processes of accountability. Demonizing encourages idea of only “monsters hurt ppl” #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
…and people don’t really identify as “monsters” even when they are.
If u believe that the police = here to protect u & that legal recourse is a helpful mechanism, that’s a product of privilege #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Our cultural and societal idea of rape is pretty specific and it erases, oh, uh, MOST ASSAULTS?! #sfs14 We need to see the variety of harm.
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
“If rape then police,” the contrapositive is “if no police, then no rape,” and THAT IS BULLSHIT. #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Incarceration isn’t a very helpful or effective long term strategy to prevent future violence. #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Btw I’m not saying that police is not a recourse for anyone, but that we need alternatives because MANY are not safe with police #sfs14
— Aida Manduley, LICSW (they + elle) (@neuronbomb) August 16, 2014
Stay tuned for more posts about the conference, as well as a masterpost on #Ferguson coming soon!
I hope this “Yes Means Yes” law isn’t retroactive, or the majority of college students will become sex offenders.
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I missed this session at Woodhull SFS because I was in another session, but I was RTing like crazy b/c of all the amazingness @neuronbomb was pushing out. I apparently missed much awesomeness.