Spanish and Social Justice Resources

If you didn’t know yet, I was raised in Puerto Rico, where Spanish is the predominant language but a good number of us also speak English (and Spanglish is wildly common). Though I was already invested in social justice issues from a young age, most of my formal education around that came after I entered college in an English-only environment. But aside from the fact that the U.S. is by FAR not the only place where worthwhile activism happens and knowledge is produced so we should look elsewhere too, I have also worked with a lot of fellow migrants/immigrants and monolingual Spanish-speakers, so it’s been critical to find resources to rebalance my knowledge and how I communicate it back in Spanish.

So, I offer you and anyone who needs it, resources for greater knowledge and justice in Spanish! The sections below are as follows:

  • Terminology and Glossaries
  • The Language Justice Framework
  • Theory and Knowledge Banks
  • LGBTQA Rights
  • TGNC-Specific Issues
  • Sex Education, Relationships, and Health
  • Sex Work
  • Courses, Classes, and Practice Sessions
  • Spanish-Language Interpreters



Though I have been bilingual most of my life, many of these words I was only exposed to in English once I left my island of Puerto Rico. So, for others who may be wondering how to translate some common terms used in discussing sexuality, relationships, and so on, here’s a little list. But always remember—Spanish is a varied and vibrant language, so these may also have regional differences and alternatives.

  • rape culture =  cultura de violación
  • sex worker = sexoservidor/a/x o trabajador/a/x del sexo
  • misandry = hembrismo
  • structural violence = violencia estructural
  • microaggression = microagresión (micromachismo for misogynistic ones, specifically)
  • a misogynist internet “troll” = machitroll
  • male chauvinist / misogynist = machista /  machirulo
  • patriarchy = patriarcado
  • revenge porn = porno vengativo
  • cishet = heterocis
  • heteronormative = heteronormativo 
  • free love = amor libre
  • consensual relationships = relaciones consensuadas
  • monogamy = monogamia
  • monogamous relationship = relación monogámica o relación monógama
  • the monogamous norm = la mononorma 
  • the institution of monogamy = la institución monogámica
  • triad = trieja
  • romantic-sexual relationships = relaciones sexoafectivas 
  • group agreement = normas de convivencia, normas de equipo 
  • relationship anarchy = anarquía relacional
  • relationship orientation = orientación relacional
  • compulsory heterosexuality = heterosexualidad compulsoria u obligatoria 



  • El blog Judith Butler en Español explora temas relacionados a la teoría de género y las obras de Judith Butler. Aunque el blog no está siendo actualizado todavía, existe dentro de sus archivos mucha información útil. //  This blog explores gender theory and the work of Judith Butler in numerous Spanish language posts. While the blog is not currently being updated with new posts, there is a wealth of information to be found in the archives.  
  • Biblioteca Fragmentada es una biblioteca virtual feminista “que busca articular una red feminista y lesbiana de intercambio de lecturas y miradas críticas”. Nace de Chile pero realmente vive en el cibermundo. Fue creado en 2010 con el propósito de de abrir vías de intercambio de lecturas y análisis críticas que abordan las construcciones y normas que “intentan ordenar nuestros imaginarios, géneros, sexualidades y afectos.” // Out of Chile but truly based in the cyberworld, this virtual library was created in 2010 with the purpose of creating an avenue for exchanging readings and critical analyses about the social constructions and norms around gender, sexual identity, and power relations.
  • Colección Feminista recomienda esta biblioteca feminista, una colección de libros clave y ensayos destacados. // Feminist library featuring a collection of key books and notable essays. 
  • Este blog: Una Biblioteca Comunitaria
  • Recursos antirracistas en español es un documento de Google con videos, ensayos, libros, infografías y más. // A Google doc with videos, essays, books, infographics and more.


  • Presencia y Palabra: Mujeres Afroperuanas es un colectivo de mujeres afrofeministas diversas e impulsa espacios de diálogo, acción y reconexión entre mujeres negras y afrodescendientes. // A facebook page made up of afrofeminist women, which encourages spaces of dialogue, action and reconnection between Black women.
  • Radio Caña Negra es un podcast dedicado a temas de gente Afrolatinx. // A podcast dedicated to Afrolatinx people and topics.
  • NEGRADAS / Red de mujeres afrodiasporicas es una cuenta de Instagram dedicada a la visibilización, difusión y reconocimiento de experiencias de mujeres negras y descendientes de la diaspora afrikana.
  • AfroResistance is a Black Latinx Womxn-led organization with the mission of educate and organize for human rights, democracy and racial justice throughout the Americas.




  • This Biblioteca de Ginecología Autogestiva del colectivo Vulva Sapiens (virtual library by Vulva Sapiens) is full of DIY gynecology information primarily (albeit not exclusively) in Spanish! 
  • Golfx con principios “promotes a sex positive approach to unconventional sex —polyamory, swinging, BDSM, kink, LGBT and queer— through publications, activities and services.” They have Spanish translations of prominent articles about these topics, as well as original content, including a Spanish-language guide to non-monogamy, recommendations for kink/non-monogamy aware therapists. They also have a large portion of their website available in English as well. 
  • 14 Tipos de Relaciones Sexoafectivas  names and briefly defines 14 types of sexual and emotional relationships. The article, in Spanish, also tackles some myths about polyamory and open relationships, and poses some self-reflection questions for how to “vivir una relación abierta/poliamorosa sin dañar ni ser dañadx” (how to live an open/polyamorous relationship without causing harm or being harmed).
  • There are various Spanish-only Youtube channels devoted to sexuality education. To get started, check the work of Inés Palacios and Sex Place TV.
  • Papaya Tropical is a Puerto Rican feminist sex education platform and brand that focuses on sexual freedom and empowerment.
  • (Note that some of the resources in previous sections are also relevant here, like the work of Espicy Nipples and La Sombrilla Cuir!)




Organizing an event or activity that needs interpretation? Here are some interpreters and interpreter collectives that operate using a language justice framework! Though we’ve included their main base of operations below, please note many of these people can also do remote work. (Please check out my accessibility and disability justice page for more interpretation resources.) 


Header image by jairojehuel from Pixabay.

And un millón de gracias to Chelsea Sokolow, who helped me massage these resources into shape with such great care and vision. Your knowledge, willingness to help, and similar brain-waves were a blessing.