50 Shades of WTF: A Livetweeting Experience (Book 1 of Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy)
Love it or hate it, the ridiculously popular Fifty Shades trilogy has spread like wildfire so it’s crucial that we take a closer look at what this story is actually about. (I know I’m about a million years late in writing about this, but with the movies coming out, it finally felt like the right time.) Take the plunge with me and look forward to word-counts, memes, alternate universe versions of the story, and actual tips. Read my Storify [here]. This is just one piece in a larger series of posts I’m writing as a lead-up to Valentine’s day, so get ready for more!
Is the book worse than the Twilight series?
On many axes yes, but I think this one has stronger writing. Just depends on what criteria you’re using to judge the books 🙂